Scouting for Boys

Scouting for Boys  

Cover of second part of Scouting for Boys, January 1908
Author(s) Robert Baden-Powell
Illustrator Robert Baden-Powell
Cover artist John Hassall
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Subject(s) Scouting
Genre(s) Boy's handbook
Publisher Horace Cox
Publication date 1908
Published in
15 January 1908

Scouting for Boys: A Handbook for Instruction in Good Citizenship is the first book on the Scout Movement, published in 1908. It was written and illustrated by Robert Baden-Powell, its founder. It is based on his boyhood experiences, his experience with the Mafeking Cadet Corps during the Second Boer War at the Siege of Mafeking, and on his experimental camp on Brownsea Island, England. It is the fourth bestselling book of the 20th century. It contains many topics, some which are thought less useful than others, including what to do if someone is attempting suicide.



Scouting for Boys (1908) is Baden-Powell's rewrite of his earlier military books Reconnaissance and Scouting (1884) and Aids to Scouting for NCOs and Men (1899). These books were military manuals used by the British Army to train scouts. At Mafeking, Baden-Powell recruited and trained boys aged 12–15 as postmen, messengers, and later to carry the wounded, to free men for fighting. Upon return to England, following the Boer War, Baden-Powell learned some British schools had been using his books to teach observation and deduction. He decided to revise his military publications into a book for boys. Several friends supported Baden-Powell, including Sir William Alexander Smith, founder of the Boys' Brigade, and Cyril Arthur Pearson, who owned newspapers and printing presses.[1] In 1906 and 1907 Baden-Powell spent a lot of time writing Scouting for Boys and advancing his ideas about the Boy Scouts Scheme. These were tested in a camp on Brownsea Island in the summer of 1907, where Pearson's literary editor Percy Everett assisted.

Scouting for Boys was published in six fortnightly instalments of approximately 70 pages each, from January to March 1908. They were produced by Pearson's printer, Horace Cox. These six publications were a success, and as planned were issued in book form on 1 May 1908. Scouting for Boys has been translated into many languages. In 1948, the book was still selling 50 000 copies annually. Only in 1967 was a decline noted by the publisher, and in the last decades of the 20th century, even by the Scout movement, the book came to be seen as a period curiosity.[1] It is claimed to be the fourth bestselling book of the 20th century.[2][3] A realistic estimate is that approximately 4 million copies of the UK edition have been sold. Extrapolating this to 87 different language editions worldwide, historic world sales of Scouting for Boys can be estimated at 100 to 150 million copies since 1908.[4][5]


British editions

Other editions


All parts of the six installments in 1908 have the title Scouting for Boys in big capitals. With a listed price of '4d. net', it was affordable to many boys, many of whom would have been at work, as the school-leaving age was 14. Authorship is attributed thus: 'by B-P (Lieut. Gen. Baden Powell C.B.)' (sic).

Most chapters start with hints to instructors. All chapters have campfire yarns, appealing to boys, most contain sections with games and activities, and they close with recommendations for books to read.[6]

Part I. Scoutcraft

The first installment contains pages 3 to 70. It provides the basic details of scouting.

1 Mafeking boy scouts, Scouts' work, "Kim", Books
2 Summary of scout's course of instruction, the Elsdon murder
3 Boy scouts' organization, the scout's oath, Scout's salute and secret sign, scout's uniform, scout's war songs, patrol signs
4 Scout law, scouting games, scout's play

Part II. Tracking, Woodcraft

The second part covers pages 71 to 142. It contains chapter II on tracking and chapter III on woodcraft, each with three camp fire yarns.

5 Observation of "sign", Noticing sign, Details of people, Signs round a dead body, Details in the country, Using your eyes, Books to read on observation, hints to instructors, Games in observation
6 Spooring, Men's tracks, hints to spooring, hints to instructors, Tracking games, Books to read on spooring
7 Reading "sign" or deduction, Instances of deduction, Hints to instructors, Example of practice in deduction, Books to read
8 Stalking, How to hide yourself, How to teach stalking, Games in stalking, Books on stalking
9 Animals, Birds, Reptiles and fishes, Insects, Hints to instructors, Honours, Lion hunting, Books to read, Play
10 Plants, Trees, Hints for instructor, Games, Books to read, Play

Part III. Camp life, Campaigning

The third part covers pages 143 to 206. It contains chapter IV on camp life, and chapter V on campaigning.

11 Pioneering, Hut building, Felling trees, How to make bridges, Self measures, the scout is always a handy-man, Hints to instructors, Books to read
12 Camping, Comfort in camp, Camp fires-the right way of making them, Tidiness, Hints to instructors
13 Camp life, Cooking, Bread making, Cattle-driving and slaughtering, Cleanliness, Water, Hints to instructors, Camp games, Book to read
14 Life in the open, Exploration, Boat cruising, Watermanship, Mountaineering, Patrolling, Night work, Weather wisdom, Hints to instructors, Games, Books on life in the open
15 Pathfinding, Judging heights and distances, Finding the North, Hints to instructors, Games in pathfinding, Books to read
16 Information by signal, Signalling, Whistle and flag signals, Practices in signalling, Hints to instructors, Marks towards badges of honour in campaigning, Dispatch running, Display

Part IV. Endurance and chivalry

The fourth part covers pages 207 to 270. It contains chapter VI Endurance for scouts, or How to be strong, and chapter VII Chivalry of the knights.

17 How to grow strong: A scout's endurance, Exercises and their object, The nose, Ears, Eyes, Teeth, Hints to instructors, Games to develop strength, Books to read
18 Health-giving habits: How to keep healthy, Keep yourself clean, Smoking, Drinking, Early rising, Smile, Practices, Books to read
19 Prevention of disease: Camp doctoring, Microbes and how to fight them, Food, Clothing, Practices, Games, Books to read
20 Chivalry of the knights: Chivalry to others, St. George, The knights' code, Unselfishness, Self-sacrifice, Kindness, Tips, Friendliness, Politeness, Courtesy to women, Practices, Hints to instructors, Games, Play, Books to read
21 Self-discipline: To instructors, Honour, Obedience and discipline, Courage, Good temper and cheeriness, Books to read, Practice in self-discipline, Games
22 Self-improvement:To instructors, Duty to God, Thrift, How to make money, How to get on, Practices in self-improvement, Information on professions, etc, Books to read, (in part V:) Sobriety, Practise observation, Fortitude, Notes to instructors,

Part V. Saving life, and patriotism

The fifth part covers pages 271 to 334. It contains chapter VIII Saving life, or how to deal with accidents, and chapter IX Patriotism, or our duties as citizens.

23 Be prepared for accidents: Hints to instructors, The knights of St. John, Life-saving medals, Practice for life saving
24 Accidents and how to deal with them: Panics, Rescue from fire, Directions, Rescue from drowning, Rescue from runaway horses, Miscellaneous accidents, Mad dog, Practices in life-saving, Books to read
25 Helping others: Rendering first aid, Snake bite, Grit in the eye, Suicides, How to carry a patient, How to practice, Games, Books to read
26 Our empire: Hints to instructors, Our empire, How our empire grew, how the empire must be held, Hints to instructors, Books to read, Display
27 Citizenship: Scout's duty as a citizen, Duties as citizen-soldier, Marksmanship, Helping police, Hints to instructors, Games, Books to read
28 United we stand, divided we fall: Hints to instructors, Our Navy and Army, Our flag, Our government, Our King, Books to read

Part VI. Notes for instructors, Scouting games, practices, and displays

The sixth part covers pages 335 to 398. It contains Notes to instructors and Scouting games, practices , and displays

   Play the game: don't look on, The British Empire wants your help, Fall of the Roman Empire was due to bad citizenship, Bad citizenship is becoming apparent in this country to-day, Football, Our future citizens, Peace-scouting, Militarism, How to teach scouting, Authorities who might find the scheme useful, Hints to instructors, Be Prepared, Clubroom, The handbook, Course of instruction, Method of instruction, Imagination, Responsibility to juniors, Discipline, Religion, Continence, Hints to instructors, Forming character, Conclusion, Books on the subject
  Notes to instructors, Scoutcraft, Tracking, Woodcraft, Camp life, Books to read, Campaigning and pathfinding, Endurance and health, Chivalry, Saving life and first aid, Patriotism, Play the game!, The storming of Delhi, The Maple Leaf Forever, The song of Australia, God bless the Prince of Wales, God save the King, Sample programme of athletics sports, Non-scouting games, Basket ball, Books to read
  Suggestions for a display
  True scouting stories

Copyright status

The Scout Association owns the copyright to Scouting for Boys in the UK. The book enters the public domain at the end of 2011, at the end of the 70th year after the death of its author on 8 January 1941.[7] Until then, it can only be reproduced after permission was granted from the Scout Association headquarters (other than for copyright exceptions in specific countries, such as fair use). The Boy Scouts of America have been granted a special copyright license by Baden-Powell himself for their Boy Scout Handbook, written during the BSA's formal founding in 1910.[4]

See also

Other notable books related to Scouting by Baden-Powell include:

Other notable books related to Scouting by other authors include:


  1. ^ a b Boehmer, Elleke (2004). Notes to 2004 edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 
  2. ^ Smith, David (2007-04-22). "Scouts uncool? Not in my book". The Observer.,,2062862,00.html. Retrieved 2007-08-17. 
  3. ^ Hislop, Ian (10 June 2007). "The Edwardians". BBC Four. Retrieved 2007-10-31. 
  4. ^ a b Jeal, Tim (1989). Baden-Powell. London: Hutchinson. ISBN 0-09-170670-X. 
  5. ^ "" UK and World Census figures". The Scout Association. Retrieved 2008-02-12. 
  6. ^ Rohrer, Finlo (27 July 2007). "What would Baden-Powell do?". BBC News Magazine. Retrieved 2007-10-30. 
  7. ^ "Copyright. A guide to reproducing material owned by The Scout Association" (PDF). The Scout Association. Retrieved 2010-02-26.